• Sasi Dental Clinic
  • Sasi Dental Clinic
  • Sasi Dental Clinic
  • Sasi Dental Clinic
  • Sasi Dental Clinic
  • Sasi Dental Clinic
  • Sasi Dental Clinic
  • Sasi Dental Clinic
Dentures help to restore a patient’s smile and the ability to chew and speak clearly after some or all teeth are lost. At Sasi Dental, we pride ourselves on using the revolutionary injection molded process to fabricate our complete and partial dentures, resulting in the highest strength, durability and esthetics. We also specialize in fabricating complete or partial overdentures, where we use dental implants to anchor the denture more effectively providing our patients with a greater sense of comfort with better function. Dentures can be made from resin (temporary), modified resin (Flexible) or metal based (Cast Partial) as per the clinical requirements. They can also be complete or partial depending upon the number of missing teeth.
How are Dentures Made ?
The denture development process takes about three to six weeks and several appointments. Once your dentist or prosthodontist (a dentist who specializes in the restoration and replacement of teeth) determines what type of appliance is best for you, the general steps are to :
Make a series of impressions of your jaw and take measurements of how your jaws relate to one another and how much space is between them.
Create models, wax forms, and/or plastic patterns in the exact shape and position of the denture to be made. You will "try in" this model several times and the denture will be assessed for color, shape, and fit before the final denture is cast.
Cast a final denture.
Adjustments will be made as necessary.
Advantages :
Every way you look at it, dental implants are a better solution to the problem of missing teeth.  
Esthetic: Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth! Since dental implants integrate into the structure of your bone, they prevent the bone loss and gum recession that often accompany bridgework and dentures. No one will ever know that you have a replacement tooth.
Tooth-saving: Dental implants don't sacrifice the quality of your adjacent teeth like a bridge does because neighboring teeth are not altered to support the implant. More of your own teeth are left untouched, a significant long-term benefit to your oral health !
Confidence: Dental implants will allow you to once again speak and eat with comfort and confidence! They'll allow you to say goodbye to worries about displaced dentures and messy denture adhesives.
Reliable: The success rate of dental implants is highly predictable. They are considered an excellent option for tooth replacement.
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